Summer Resort
Esther Kinsky
Not Available
Georg Trakl
Mr Zed's Reflections, or, Breadcrumbs He Dropped, Gathered Up by His Listeners
Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Sebastian Dreaming
Enraged Citizens, European Peace and Democratic Deficits, or Why the Democracy Given to Us Must Become One We Fight For
Robert Menasse
Werner Bräunig
Dispatches from Moments of Calm
Alexander Kluge
A Skeleton Plays Violin
Drilling Through Hard Boards
At the Burning Abyss
Franz Fühmann
Cees Nooteboom
The Last Country
Svenja Leiber
War Diary
Ingeborg Bachmann
Storm Still
Peter Handke
Thomas Bernhard
Victor Halfwit
Father's on the Phone with the Flies
Herta Muller
A History of Clouds
The Shadow-Boxing Woman
Inka Parei
Invitation to the Bold of Heart
Dorothee Elmiger
Blue Jewellery
Katharina Winkler
In Stock
£15.29 £16.99
The Sex of the Angels, the Saints in Their Heaven
Raoul Schrott
Party Fun with Kant
Nicolas Mahler
Part of the Solution
Ulrich Peltzer
Thomas Lehr
Tales of Mr. Keuner
Bertolt Brecht
World-Changing Rage
Georg Baselitz and 3 more
A Slap in the Face
Abbas Khider
The God Behind the Window
Michael Kruger
Poetry and Time
Joachim Sartorius
Goethe Dies
Peter Weiss
What Was Before
Martin Mosebach
Three Plays
Heiner Müller and 1 more
The Jew Car
Fire Doesn't Burn
Ralf Rothmann
Christa Wolf
Collected Poems
Paul Celan and 1 more
Wolfgang Hilbig
Night Music
Theodor W Adorno and 1 more
The Flying Mountain
Christoph Ransmayr
Alexander Kluge and 1 more
Waiting on the Opposite Stage
Heiner Müller
Kong's Finest Hour
The Fire Above, the Mountain Below
Reinhard Jirgl
The Sea in the Radio
Jürgen Becker
For the Dying Calves
Durs Grünbein
Killing Happiness
Friedrich Ani
Squandered Advice
Ilse Aichinger
Mahler and 1 more
All the Land
Jo Lendle
The Hour Between Dog and Wolf
Silke Scheuermann
Michael Krüger
Sibylle Lewitscharoff
Last Country
The Nameless Day
Abbas Khidr
Love Writ Large
Navid Kermani
The Beloved of the Dawn
The Art of Diremption
Leonhard Emmerling
Monsters Like Us
Ulrike A Sandig
Alice in Sussex
Gone but Not Forgotten
Elfriede Jelinek
Flowers for Otello
Esther Dischereit
Loving at a Distance
Petra Hardt
Russia Container
Gramsci's Fall
Nora Bossong
Paris, So to Speak
In Search of Lost Time
Without Model
Theodor W Adorno
As Mornings and Mossgreen I Step to the Window
Friederike Mayröcker
At No Time
The Principles of Life on Black Friday
It All Tastes of Farewell
Brigitte Reimann
Some Heads
Max Neumann
No Storm, Just Weather
Judith Kuckart
Eva Menasse
Save Yourself If You Can
In a Cabin, in the Woods
The Book of Commentary/unquiet Garden of the Soul
Shining Sheep
Psyche Running
Orpheus in the Underworld
The Lockmaster
I Just Let Life Rain Down on Me
Rahel Varnhagen
The Rest Is Slander
War Primer
Bad Sheep
Katja LangeMüller
In the Forest of Metropoles
KarlMarkus Gauss
Circus Commentary
Becoming Animal
Teresa Präauer
Lifespan Narratives
Brussels, the Gentle Monster, or, The Disenfranchisement of Europe
Atlas of an Anxious Man